Wednesday 15 February 2012

i love it

heyya..seriously da lme x update blog
byk cter best nak cter but im totally lazy lah kn..
a month before final exam nie,aku serious byk bjalan merayau merayap bersiar laaa
distress before final kononnye..kuikui

today actually ade kls but aku skip coz aku kne jumpe dentist..
but f word!!!
no dentist so tpakse jmpe nurse yg sllu handle about this orthodentic things...
usually dlm 10 to 15 minutes je wat appoinment but today stgh jam..
lama kot..tah pe la dier wat dgn my ARMOR nie
warne da tuka la dr hijau jd pink...
yawww..girly gituh..
she said kalo ur pagar yg kat blkg tu da rapat,next appoinment ur ARMOR da kne cabut
waaaaaaa...tak saba seyh..

next aku pi merayau ke UITM PUNCAK ALAM..
nie da kli kedua..
first dulu my mom yg anta but jmpe FATIHIN IZATIL je..
but this second time aku dapat jumpe FATIHIN IZATIL, ANAS n NUBLAN
SYASYA nak jmpe gak but dier tlmbt 10 mnt
aku da smpai rmh,bru dier tweet..huhu
next time kite jmpe lg yeh..on your graduation day kott

cter pasal UITM nie,so nak cter la cket..
seriously duk kat cafe puncak alam tak merasa cm kat uitm kot,rase cam kat kolej..
view nye x la sehebak seri iskandar yg havoc..
puncak alam sunyi sepi..gunung ganang merata..student cbok dok study and discussion
but yg x bes nye,korg mkn korg yg kne kemas kat cafe nie
kalo seri iskandar,da mkn tggl je..ade la yg kutip nti..
student puncak alam nie mostly otak SUPER POWER wooo...jln cne cnie buku penoh kat tgn..
no student yg bw board, drawing case or anything model pape la..
just bw buku...erkkkk...sedikit lame coz all student are same..
no difference among each other..

aku bukan nak merendahkn but im just telling the truth..
all uitm sama je..still student yg ke kelas blaja..bukan lecturer yg blaja =='
here some pictures of uitm puncak alam..

(orange building-college
purple building-cafe &office)

(jalan masuk ke uitm puncak alam)

i love my hometown!!