Friday 20 January 2012

scream out loud

it such a long time Im not updating my blog..
I dont know why..maybe coz of  'kemalasan berganda'!!
the last story was about malin and definitely for her..
I hope she already read it.. *thanks malin if you done it
today is the 20th day of january and I think its not to late to wish

happy kot dpt cuti je..but still sad coz bile byk cuti nie sbgai perantauan de laa kewajipan nye
bende2 nie mmg kene wat la time bfore blek bcuti and of coz amat mlecehkan
if rmh aku dkt its okay...the fact that my home is totally far far away and it takes about 3 to 4 hours..
tak payah nak mengeluh sgt la kn~~

lets continue with the main topic!!
cenanye nak cite psal this -----> FINALE ACOUSTIC FEVER 2012
k da nmpk permainan nye??(seyes lwk ayt ni :D)
aku tak bkesmpatan tgk the audition so dpt tgk nie pon okay laa..

for short,aku, my gangtweet and my malin together pi tgk
it quiet interesting coz im type of music-lover..but not too much
my brother also love music and we share the music together
tapi dier x minat avril pon.. :'(

all together yg dpt pi final only 8 kumpulan
disebbkn my classmate bjaya mghasut aku utk sokong DEAR ELIZEBETH,so aku just sokong 
yup good job DEAR ELIZEBETH!!!
another group yg aku skong  D'MISAI..why misai??
actually dorg jdkn misai sbgai dorg nye tagline obviously pnyokong D'MISAI ade handmade-misai in black colour ..
woohh seriously D'MISAI is the best!!!
 lastly group JET ACOUSTICAL..seriously group nie the best performence 
tpi vokalist nye serious wat org saket telinga
cntek je gimik masok stage but bile vokalist tu nyanyi,totally wat sume pengsan
i dont know sama ade dier mmg nyanyi cmtu or saje2..
let it be..aku bukan nak saketkn ati org but aku just share group2 yg aku rse mnarik mlm tu

and the winner of this event goes to D'MISAI..
the one and only yg best sgttt!!!
congratulation for them.. you all deserved to get that!!
(banner acoustic fever 2012)
aku ade gak cari2 pic kat fb memb2 aku but x ini je yg dpt..

I will meet u avril!!!

Monday 16 January 2012

ada aku kesah??!!

hidup terkontang - kanting wat mase skunk
sume nak tgglkan aku sorg kat planet Sri Iskandar nie
cis kejam gler..tak berhati tak berjantung tak berginjal lansung

yela MALIN!! aku taw ko cnok je berpesta kat dpn icity tu
(aku x taw rmh ko seksyen bape dol)
len kli nak blek rmh ajak aku laa...
jadi tahi kat cnie tak cnok laa...ko kne teman kn aku...

nti aku cuti ko x cuti..
lg laa cissss
aku kesah kot kalo ko tak de kat cnie..
lg laa cisss
hri2 aku call ko tpi ko cbok gak..
lg la cissss
ko smpai rmh tros lupe aku
lg laa cisss ciss

malin nti blek SI,bw mknn byk2..
aku lapa kot..
haha...jgn lupe 21/1/12 nie..haha
kite wat same2 k..

ayt bru blaja tadi cisss ciss